Thursday, April 26, 2012

Another award for The Can Man

More great news for The Can Man! The book won the 2012 New York State Reading Association's Charlotte Award! Nearly 12,000 students across New York State voted for the winner from the list of nominees. It's especially exciting because they only choose winners every 2 years. I am so glad to have been a part of this great project.

Friday, April 20, 2012

New sample fresh off the easel

I just finished a new painting I'd like to share. The story behind the painting is interesting. Late last year I completed some drawings for a client for a book but because the due date was changed around the holidays I was not able to complete the final paintings. Sadly they needed to find another illustrator to finish them based on my sketches. It was unfortunate but I am making the most of it by completing some of the final illustrations myself. They story is set in the Maine woods. Hope you like it!