Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Order your signed copy today!

Just a quick update to let you know I received a big stack of "The Can Man". It looks great! If you would like to purchase a signed copy from me send me an email to I charge $20 which includes shipping and taxes! I will have some events coming up this spring in the Puget Sound area so return back here in the future to learn more.


  1. Email order is on the way, - thanks for showing me a copy at the SCBWI meetup, it really is a beautiful book. Your amazingly detailed and perfectly crafted illustrations come to life, and the thought you put into it really jumps from the page. It must've been a lot of fun to work on such a great story, and Lee & Low did a great job with the color, layout, paper, binding, etc. Hooray!

  2. Thanks John! It's always nice catching up with you. All you need to do is send me an email, then I can give you my address, you send a check, then magically a signed book arrives on your door step!
